Working Together for Economic Development on the Island of Ireland - past, present and future - Royal Irish Academy, Dublin
Monday 25 November from 11.00am to 4:30pm
This is the second event in our exciting programme entitled 'A vision for the future of North-South co-operation? Strand 2 of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement- a generation on'. On 25 Nov. at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin a symposium will look at the economic effects of Strand 2.
On this occasion attention will focus on the work of 3 north-south 'implementation bodies' -InterTradeIreland, Waterways Ireland and the Loughs Agency, and 3 areas of co-operation-agriculture, transport and tourism.
The Irish Association acknowledge the support of the Irish Government for this seminar through the Shared Island Initiative.
Programme is available to download here.
Event Registration
To register please visit Eventbrite.
Registration: £10 includes lunch
If you have any further queries please feel free to contact Eimear at admin@theirishassociation.org